All events start on the ice in front of the La Ronge Legion Hall, 1400 La Ronge Avenue.
All trails will be groomed for skating and classic skiing.
Checkpoints are located every four to nine kilometers and have radio contact, first aid, toilets, beverages, food, a campfire and friendly volunteers.
There will be awards for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place skiers in each age category and event, except for the Jackrabbit Glide, which provides an award for each young skier.
The Bunnyrabbits/Jackrabbits program runs from January to March each year. If we get enough snow, we usually can squeeze in a few lessons in December too! The Bunnyrabbits and Jackrabbits learn skiing skills through games and activities on skis under the Nordiq Canada program.
Bunnyrabbit Program is for children 3-4 years old. Parents must participate with their child during class. Parents do not have to wear skiis but are highly encouraged to do so. Classes are offered once a week on Sundays @2pm at the Don Allen Trails (off Highway 2, Nemeiben turn-off). Lessons are 30 minutes long with free ski time afterwards encouraged.
Jackrabbit Program is designed for children ages 5-10. Parents do not have to participate with their child but a few parent helping hands is always appreciated. Parents must be on skiis if helping. Classes are offered once a week on Sundays @2pm at the Don Allen Trails (off Highway 2, Nemeiben turn-off). Lessons are 1hr. long with free ski time afterwards encouraged.
The last lesson for all levels is a joint Ski Wind Up Party with the La Ronge Nordic Ski team in March, usually a week or two after the Saskaloppet. This is a wind-up event full of fun and games.
Skills learned in a Nut Shell:
Bunnyrabbit skills: rising and falling, side-stepping, free glide, snowplow, games.
Jackrabbit 1 skills: falling and rising, side-stepping, star turn, diagonal stride, herringbone, free glide, snowplow braking.
Jackrabbit 2 skills: snowplow stop, double poling, kick turn, snowplow turn, free glide, herringbone, diagonal stride.
Jackrabbit 3 skills: diagonal stride, double poling, one step double pole, free skate, downhill tuck, diagonal skate, skate turn, kick turn.
Jackrabbit 4 skills: free stake, one step double pole, one skate, two skate, step turn, parallel side slipping, offset.
Are my kids really learning anything by playing games?
Yes, they are! All Bunnyrabbit and Jackrabbit coaches follow the Nordiq Canada youth program stream and are ICC or CC certified at a minimum. Each game or drill or fun ski is designed around a progression of skills from learning the FUNdamentals of balance, learning to fall, turn, snowplow, ski up hills, progressing through the diagonal stride and classic ski technique, and moving onto skate skiing and race/endurance skiing for the older Jackrabbits.
Please note: some kids and adults will be life-long beginners and that's ok!
Why don't they use poles? The key to skiing is balance and technique and poles act like "crutch" and hinder finding those sweet spots. Once kids have mastered balancing and moving on skis, maybe we'll give them poles :) Also, can you imagine ten 4 year olds waving poles around??
Here is a handy chart to show you the skills your child will be learning throughout their Jackrabbit career. Click image below to enlarge: