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SASKCUP RACES #1 & #2: DEC. 21/22, 2024


Nordiq Canada Tier 2 Event


  • Cross Country Saskatchewan (CCS)

  • Nordiq Canada (NC)


La Ronge Nordic Ski Club


Friday, December 20: 

  • Unofficial training: 2:00pm onward.

  • Team Captain’s Meeting: 8:00pm via Zoom.


Saturday, Dec. 21: 

  • U12+: 12:00pm start time (estimated). Classic technique individual start qualifiers, followed by Kings Court format heats.

  • U8 and U10: 2:00pm start time. NEW for this year, we will be having an obstacle course event for the U8 and U10 categories on Saturday to align more closely with the LTAD model. All participants will receive a medal!

  • Para Nordic: 2:00pm start time

  • Team Captain’s Meeting: 8:00pm via Zoom.

Sunday, December 22: 

  • All categories:11:00am start time (estimated). Free technique interval start distance.


  • Date: Dec. 21 and 22, 2024.

  • Location: Don Allen Ski Trail system, located 20 km north of La Ronge on Highway 102 at the junction of Highway 102 & the Nemeiben Lake Road. See map HERE.

  • Course map: click here and also posted on the Zone4 event page.

  • Stadium map: click here for PDF and also posted on the Zone4 event page.

  • Course profiles: click here for PDF and also posted on the Zone4 event page.


Registration and fee payment is online at Zone4. Coaches MUST register on Zone4 (no fee).
Racers and coaches must check the confirmation list on Zone4 as soon as possible after completing registration to ensure skiers are registered in the correct categories. Please contact the Competition Secretary ( before 9am on Wednesday, December 18 if corrections are required.

Registration Opens: Monday, November 25, 2024
Registration Closes: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 – 20:00

* Please be careful to register in the correct gender and age categories and to enter NC race
license numbers correctly so you are not charged additional fees. Do not enter text comments
in the license fields. Nordiq Canada race licenses must be valid for the 2024-25 competition

Late Registrations: Athletes wanting to register after the Late Registration Deadline (by contacting the Race Secretary via email) will only be accepted at the discretion of the Chief of Competition, and if allowed, will incur an additional $10 last-minute entry fee per race. It is at the discretion of the Jury and OC if the last-minute athlete will be seeded.


Waivers: Waivers must be completed on Zone4 during registration.
Competitors under 19 years of age must have this waiver signed by a parent or guardian.  


Entry Fees: 


  • U8, U10, U12 & U14: $10 per race

  • U16+: $20 per race

  • NC Event License (formerly SMDL): $6 per day

  • Para Open: $10 per race

  • Para Development: $5 per race

  • Late entry fee: Additional $10.00 per race from above fee.

Zone4 registration requires a credit card, and that the registrant will pay the credit card fee and Zone4 processing fee as part of the online registration.


  • Chief of Competition: Gabe Andrews (

  • Competition Secretary - (contact for changes to registrations): Gabe Andrews ( and Julie Andrews

  • Chief of Timing & Results: Mark Potts

  • Chief of Stadium

  • Chief of Course: Sid Robinson

  • Chief of Start



  • Chief of Competition: Gabe Andrews

  • Technical Delegate: Dan Brisbin

  • Assistant Technical Delegate: Brennan Craig

  • Third Jury Member: Jody Laliberte


​​*(M/W) Additional notes: Open Categories are created by combining U20 M/W with Senior (M/W) to increase the competitive field. Categories start and race together, but the results are split into original categories.


Saturday, December 21st 2024 - Classic Technique Sprint:

Sunday, December 22nd 2024 - Free Technique Interval Start Distance:


Start order for U8 to U12 will be determined by random draw. Start order for U14 and older will be determined in two groups:


1) NC license and development license racers will be given preferential seeding with start order determined by CPL points
2) non-NC licensed racers and citizen racers will be grouped together in a random draw.


Notice of any change to Seed lists must be communicated to the Race Secretary by 7:00 pm the day before each race.
Seeding Lists: Will be posted on the Zone4 event page on Friday, December 20th by 12PM.
Start Lists: Will be posted on the Zone4 event page on Friday, December 20th by 9PM. Start lists will also be made available at the Team Captains’ meeting.


Warm-up, cool-down, and wax testing during the competition are on trails that may be used for the races. Note that those trails are also open to the public.


Race courses will close 15 minutes before the start of the competition. All skiers must be off all parts of the race course at that time.


Cross Country Saskatchewan respectfully requests all coaches, athletes, wax technicians, and parents to abide by a self-governed protocol while waxing skis for identified races taking place in Saskatchewan. This also applies to coaches, athletes, wax technicians, and parents traveling to Saskatchewan from out-of-province or out-of-country.


Waxing protocol:

  • Structure tools ARE permitted.

  • Non-fluoro (NF) waxes ARE permitted.

  • Fluorinated glide waxes or tuning products containing fluorine liquid are NOT permitted at Sask Cups for ALL age categories. This includes all types of fluorinated glide wax (e.g., LF, HF, block, powder, liquid or kick wax).

An indoor wax room with electrical plug-ins suitable for irons will be available to coaches and athletes. However, race organizers reserve the right to control the number of people in the wax room at any one time. Please access the wax room at the side door.


The event race office is the front part of the ski wax building at the Don Allen Ski Trails. Hours are as follows:


  • Friday, Dec 20 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm

  • Saturday, Dec 21 9:30 am – 4:00 pm

  • Sunday, Dec 22 9:30 am – 3:00 pm


The race office is for race officials and coaches. Please remind athletes to stay out of the race office and use the wax room door to enter the waxing facilities.


Bibs will be distributed to one club or team representative on the morning of each race at the race office.


Team Captains Meetings will be held virtually on Friday and Saturday. Meeting link will be sent to registered coaches:




All competitors skiing in U14 and older categories must have at least one of the following licenses. Please make sure you have renewed/purchased your licence(s) for this year HERE prior to registering.

  • Nordiq Canada Race License (U16+)-

  • Nordiq Canada Associate License (foreign racers who do not belong to a NC club)

  • Nordiq Canada Development License (U14 and under if CPL points desired - see NC website)

  • Nordiq Canada Event License . This was formerly the Supporting Member Day License (SMDL) and is charged automatically during registration if no other license number is supplied.


U12 category and younger do not require a license of any type but do require a valid Nordiq Canada club membership. Any athlete, of any age, from other Nordic disciplines including Biathlon or Nordic Combined, that are not members of a Nordiq club, must have a Nordiq Canada Race or Event license to compete.

For U12 and lower age groups at TIER 2’s ONLY: 

  • If you are a Nordiq Canada Club member – NO Additional license required.

  • If you are U12 and you are a Nordiq Canada Club member, racing up to U14, and want CPL points you will need a Nordiq Canada Development License

  • If you are NOT a Nordiq Canada Member – you will need to purchase a Nordiq Canada Event License.

  • Associate License for non-Canadian Skiers: For non-Canadian skiers, an Associate License may be obtained through Nordiq Canada for eligibility in all sanctioned competitions in Canada. The results of skiers with Associate Licenses will be included in the Canada Point List calculation and used for seeding purposes. For more information, visit the Nordiq Canada website.


Medals: 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be awarded to racers in all categories at the race stadium at the close of the races.


Cash Prizes: Racers in U16 Boys/Girls, U18 Boys/Girls and U20 Men/Women categories in the classic technique distance races, will receive cash prizes of

$60 for 1st place

$45 for 2nd place and,

$30 for 3rd place


Fun Sprints: Fun sprints for all skiers using classic technique will be held in the stadium on Saturday, December 21 st after the Sask Cup sprint races. Skiers will not earn Sask Cup points for the fun sprints, but the fastest skiers in each category will receive $10 for 1st place and $5 for 2nd place.


Racers must be present at the awards ceremony to receive a medal or cash prize. However, racers absent from the awards ceremony will maintain their standing in their races and will be awarded any applicable CCS and CPL points.



Drinks and snacks will be available to racers at the finish line.


If weather or trail conditions require cancellation of the race(s), the Race Committee will notify Cross Country Saskatchewan by 12PM on Thursday, December 19 if the race(s) must be cancelled.

Races must be cancelled, delayed, or postponed if the temperature on the coldest part of the course is below – 20 o C. U12 – U8 categories must be cancelled, delayed, or postponed if the temperature on the coldest part of the course is below -15 o C.

The Race Committee also reserves the right to modify the race format, distances and start times before or on race day due to weather or trail conditions.


Nordiq Canada ICR-CCR (Canadian Competition Rules) Precisions 2024

Cross Country Saskatchewan Sask Cup Rules Document


Please consider volunteering for one of the many positions needed to make the SaskCup races run smoothly! Thank you! Click here to view position descriptions and to sign up online.


La Ronge has six hotels/motels where skiers may book a room:


La Ronge Hotel & Suites Located on La Ronge Avenue (a busy hotel). Phone (306) 425-2190 to confirm rates and book.


Harbour Inn: Also located on La Ronge Avenue on the lake side 3 blocks east from the La Ronge Hotel & Suites (and next to the Legion Hall).  Quiet location.  Phone (306) 425-3262 to book.


Waterbase Inn: Located on La Ronge Avenue across from Robertson Trading.  Phone (306) 425-5550 to book.


Riverside MotelMotel located on the west side of Highway 2 just as you cross the bridge on the way into town.  Phone (306) 425-2150 for room rates and availability.


Drifters Motel: Motel located off Highway 2 just as you turn into La Ronge on Brown Street.  Phone (306) 425-2224 to book.


Eagle Point Resort: Resort is 2 kilometres north of La Ronge on Highway 102 and then 1.5 kilometres east on an access road.  Resort has 2-bedroom cabins available for winter use.  Phone (306) 425-2273 to book.


A WhatsApp Coach/Jury group will be used to communicate relevant/live information. Link HERE

For more information regarding the race, skiers may contact Event Chair Gabe Andrews 306-425-8832.

Treaty Land Acknowledgement

“The La Ronge Nordic Ski Club acknowledges that the ski trails are on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Woodland Cree. We pay our respect to the First Nations ancestors of this land and reaffirm our relationship with one another as we continue on the path of reconciliation together.”

  • La Ronge Nordic Ski Club
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La Ronge Nordic Ski Club (c) 2024

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